
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The (For Now) Virtual Greece-Russia Pipeline

gas_pipeline.jpg Home Page News Page Discussions about a possible Grexit, from the euro or even the EU, have rarely been off the EU’s agenda over the past five years. As Greece and its creditors negotiate yet another deal, it seems unlikely that the latest round of crisis avoidance will provide a long-term solution either. Discussions about a possible Grexit, from the euro or even the EU, have rarely been off the EU’s agenda over the past five years. As Greece and its creditors negotiate yet another deal, it seems unlikely that the latest round of crisis avoidance will provide a long-term solution either.  Negotiations with Moscow, however, appear to be progressing more smoothly. In April, Greek Prime Minister Alexi Tsipras made a surprise visit to Russia where he laid the groundwork for an agreement on June 18. The two countries signed a memorandum on cooperation for the construction and operation of a new gas pipeline. However, seeing this project come to fruition remains a long way off. Discussions about a possible Grexit, from the euro or even the EU, have rarely been off the EU’s agenda over the past five years. As Greece and its creditors negotiate yet another deal, it seems unlikely that the latest round of crisis avoidance will provide a long-term solution either. read more