
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

SYRIZA Parliamentary Spokesman: Special VAT Rate on Islands not a Red Line for Greek Govt

The special VAT rate on Greek islands was never a red line, SYRIZA parliamentary spokesman Nikos Filis told Greek television on Wednesday. “I don’t believe that it is one of the most difficult decisions, although I know that it will have repercussions on the islands’ residents,” he said, adding that “an idea is not to take a decision that will change the condition of the tourism operation this summer, however, it is closely connected with the finances, how much money you want to have now or later.” Regarding the Christmas bonus and if it is going to be given this year, he said that it has to do with the course of the state finances, it is certainly a difficult decision, it will have more repercussions on people’s lives because it is related with the whole country and has an overall effect on the operation of the economy and the Greek family.” The four red lines are, as he said, no more cutbacks in pensions, reduction in primary surpluses, political statement on the debt settlement and support for growth. He also added that there will be legislation on the labor issues. (source: ana-mpa)