
Friday, June 26, 2015

Smugglers Leave 70-Year-Old Disabled Woman Stranded

Cruel and ruthless traffickers smuggled a 70-year-old disabled woman who could not walk and a special needs person from Turkey to Greece and left them stranded on a rocky cliff, under the sun in the area near the Marathoundas bay on the Aegean Sea island of Symi. The two people were left on the rocks along with their wheelchairs. The two people — as well as other migrants and refugees — were located and identified by the Hellenic Coast Guard. Specifically, around midday on Thursday, June 25, after a coordinated operation of a Hellenic Coast Guard land patrol vehicle and a sea vessel with assistance from a private speedboat, carrying local port authority executives, found four illegal migrants near Marathoundas bay on the island of Symi, Greece. The four people were rescued and transferred safely to the port of Symi, where they were delivered to the local Police Directorate for questioning. The photos released by the Hellenic Coast Guard show the tragic situation and the conditions that illegal migrants, refugees and local authorities face every day on the Aegean Sea islands, while also showing how ruthless the traffickers are.