
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Samantha Cristoforetti Sets New Records For Longest Stint In Space

Step aside, Sunita Williams. Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has set a new record for the longest uninterrupted stint in space by a woman--as well as the longest such stint by any ESA astronaut. Cristoforetti, 38, who is scheduled to return to Earth from the International Space Station on June 11, has been in space since Nov. 23, 2014. When she comes home, she will have spent 200 consecutive days in space. (You can watch the return live here beginning at 9 a.m. EDT.) Williams, a 49-year-old NASA astronaut, previously held the record for the longest uninterrupted stint in space by a woman. She spent 195 days aboard the ISS in 2007. The first Italian woman in space, Cristoforetti originally had been scheduled to return to Earth a month earlier. Her stay aboard the ISS was extended after a Russian cargo spacecraft failed to reach the station. "Looks like it's not time to get my spacesuit ready yet...what a present!" she tweeted after the delay was announced. During her time in space, Cristoforetti has conducted research on weightlessness and sampled the first espresso in space, among other duties. But she's found the time to maintain a high profile on Twitter as @astrosamantha, and is known for posting some pretty spectacular photos. Scroll down to see some of her best. Yesterday @AstroTerry, @AntonAstrey and I spent some quality time in the #Soyuz getting ready for landing! #Futura42— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) June 9, 2015 A sinister cloud far on the horizon. #HelloEarth— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) June 4, 2015 Good night from #space. Buona notte dallo spazio.— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) June 4, 2015 Hallo #Torino! That's where many modules of the Space Station were built! #Italy— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) June 1, 2015 Written by Milan school children in their 1st language: #DareToFly! No matter where you're from & where life took U.— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 31, 2015 A moving night view of #Europe. From #Greece up the Balkans and the Adriatic. Where do you think is that lightning?— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 31, 2015 No real nights these days, Sun always close to the horizon. Still, I can see some moon glint on the Adriatic! #taly— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 30, 2015 Good night from #space. Buona notte dallo spazio.— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 27, 2015 Good night from #space. Buona notte dallo spazio.— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 24, 2015 Now #Dragon is at release position. Houston just gave @StationCDRKelly GO for release. Release window opens in 4 min.— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 21, 2015 Hello Bangkok! And a wonderful evening to you all in #Thailand.— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 19, 2015 Hello #Venice! Ciao Venezia! #Italy #HelloEarth— Sam Cristoforetti (@AstroSamantha) May 11, 2015 -- This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.