
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Police End Hostage Situation in Greek Ship Traveling to Piraeus

The passengers on the Greek ship KRITI II witnessed a terrifying experience when a women was held hostage by a man in the ship’s café area. According to the passengers, the man suddenly started yelling and causing problems. Before anyone had time to react, the man broke a glass or a bottle that was placed near him and grabbed a woman who had the misfortune of sleeping beside him. Her husband did not have any time to react, but then he tried to persuade the attacker to let go of his 28-year-old wife. As of six in the morning when the ship was approaching Piraeus port, KRITI II was accompanied by a Hellenic coast guard vessel. The other passengers were quickly removed from the area. The ship arrived at the port just a few minutes before 7 am and Greek police officers immediately went on board in order to clear the situation. The police managed to immobilize and handcuff the attacker. He was then transferred to the central Port Authority. According to witnesses, the young man who claimed to be in a rehabilitation program was delirious and police had to take blood samples to run tests. Fortunately the woman sustained only light injury to her neck. It was not a life-threatening wound, however, she was taken to a local hospital for purely precautionary reasons. The people who witnessed the incident stated that the man was beside himself, while the crew noted that his behavior indicated that he had been under the influence of alcohol or maybe drugs.