
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Panaritis, Varoufakis Choice for IMF Job Rules Herself Out

Elena Panaritis has announced that she will not accept the post of Greek representative to the IMF after fierce criticism from members of governing Syriza. I never asked for that position, I accepted it only because I wanted to help the Greek government, but I find it impossible to accept it amid the negative reactions from Syriza’s officials, Panaritis said in a written statement. She continues by pledging her support to the government until , as she put it,” Greece is released from the chains of the bailouts.” Elena Panaritis’ appointment as Greece’s representative in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has caused an uproar within SYRIZA. Panaritis was a PASOK MP when Greece had signed the first Memorandum. She was appointed by Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and his decision generated a lot of negative comments within the party. Sunday night, 43 Syriza MPs and other senior party officials, including deputy prime minister Yannis Dragasakis, have signed a letter expressing strong disapproval for the selection of Elena Panaritis. They argue that Panaritis is a poor choice, as she had formerly represented the pro-bailout Pasok party as an honorary MP. As the letter puts it: “A prominent representative of bailout policies cannot represent the government…It’s not a symbolic but a political issue. It’s a wrong decision and we ask that it is taken back.”