
Monday, June 8, 2015

Obama calls on Greece to take tough choices

US president says Greece must show it is serious about reforms to break the deadlock gripping the eurozone Obama: Need tough decisions from all involvedMerkel: every day counts.......but Greece must stick to the rulesHollande: Best to reach deal before 30 JuneEarlier:Greek and German finance ministers meet in BerlinGreece signals willingness to compromiseFrance: Grexit would be ‘no drama’ 3.30pm BST Obama is also touching on data hacking and the Middle East:Obama on cyber hacking: We have known about vulnerabilities for long time, vulnerabilities will accelerate over time Obama on fight against ISIS: We must improve the speed of training Iraqi forces. 3.28pm BST President Barack Obama is also taking questions at the G7 now, and the first question is on the Greek crisis.Not only to satisfy creditors, but also to create a platform where the Greek economy can start growing again and prospering.The Greeks are going to have to follow through and take some tough political choices that are going to be good in the long term.If both sides show sufficient flexibility, we can get this problem resolved....but it will need tough decisions from all involved.I think that everyone wants to make it happen and they’re working hard to get it done. Continue reading...