
Saturday, June 6, 2015

IMF: ‘We Did Not Suggest Greece Bundles the Payments into One’

The standoff between Greece and its international creditors is heating up after the Greek government’s decision not to make the €300 million payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday and wrap June’s four payments into one due at the end of the month. IMF officials refuted that they suggested Greece the bundling of payments for June, an Athens’ move discussed extensively on an international level because of the fact that Greece is the first country to do so after Zambia in the 1980s. The Greek request on Thursday had caused the dissatisfaction of IMF managing director Christine Lagarde who had stated confidently that Athens would pay its dose on Friday. Greek politician Dimitris Papadimoulis told reporters on Friday that the IMF suggested this solution, while Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said that the bundling of doses was not something requested by Athens. According to information released by journalist Michalis Ignatiou in Greek media, IMF denies that it advised Greece to wrap its four installments for June into one due at the end of the month saying that this move is of great risk.