
Thursday, June 18, 2015

If Greece and Russia feel humiliated, that’s something Europe cannot ignore

As Tsipras and Putin ratchet up the rhetoric, Europe should try to offer answers, but not full mea culpasListening to the news these days, you’d assume that the politics of humiliation has taken over in Europe. Coming out of Greece and Russia, there is fiery rhetoric about nations being downtrodden, their pride trampled, their wellbeing attacked by hostile external forces.Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has accused his country’s creditors of attempting to “humiliate our people”, while Vladimir Putin has announced that 40 intercontinental missiles would be added to his country’s arsenal, as a retaliatory measure against what he claims are western attempts to humiliate and intimidate Russia.There has never been a deliberate intention to crush national pride in these countries Related: Greece blames everybody but itself for its economic woes | Harry Theoharis Continue reading...