
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Heinous Child Murder by Greek Policeman in Thessaloniki

The family tragedy after a policeman murdered a seven-year-old child in a Thessaloniki suburb has caused widespread shock and anger across Greece. The forty-eight-year-old offender is a Greek policeman and had just returned to service from a nine-month parental leave after the birth of his second child. The policeman, who strangled his seven-year-old daughter on Tuesday afternoon inside the family home, is now detained at Thessaloniki Police Headquarters where he is scrupulously interrogated. According to the testimony of a man close to the family, the child murderer called the police and said: “Come here quickly because I strangled my daughter.” The witness also stated that the mother was not at home at the time of the crime, and when she returned, she could not even enter the house because police cars and ambulances had already arrived. The ambulance crew made great efforts to keep the unfortunate girl alive, but it was too late. The desperate mother is said to be crying and screaming, and after a while she was transferred to the hospital in a shock where she was intubated. Neighbors said that the policeman did not seem capable of committing such a crime, however, he may have been suffering from psychological problems. They also stated that during the last ten days, the house shutters were closed.