
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Greek Unwed Sons to Receive Pension if Deceased Father was Civil Servant

Greece’s Court of Audit is about to rule that sons of deceased public sector employees, civil servants and military personnel would be eligible to receive a pension if they are not married. So far, the law applied only to unwed daughters, who are receiving a pension if their father was a public worker and is deceased. The Court of Audit judges consider that the existing Code of Civil and Military Pensions is unconstitutional because it shows preferential treatment towards women. Now they are considering applying the code to male unwed sons, according to a report in Ethnos daily. The potential ruling by the Court of Audit might act as a time-bomb, analysts say, because it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of eligible “pensioners” might ask for the funds due to them retroactively. Especially at this time when security funds and state coffers are practically empty. Also, according to the same analysts, there are many unwed daughters of public sector employees who avoid getting married in order to continue receiving the pension. The same would apply for men from now on.