
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Greek FM Kotzias Agrees on Confidence-Building Measures with FYROM’s Counterpart

The Foreign Ministers of Greece and FYROM, Nikos Kotzias and Nikola Poposki respectively, agreed on Wednesday on 11 confidence-building measures in the sectors of education, culture, trade, transport, energy, domestic security and justice, but also ways to restore political negotiations between the two foreign ministries. Following their meeting in Skopje, the two ministers told journalists at a press conference these measures could also contribute significantly in resolving the name dispute. “We want all of our neighbours to be members of the EU, to have rule of law, to have economic development, because my country, too, depends to a great extent on what happens in the Balkans as a whole,” Kotzias said. Poposki said the meeting’s conclusion is that the two countries “are making a new step for an active approach and cooperation” and noted that, for decades, the problem in bilateral relations was the lack of trust at a political level, while “the strongest link was the interest of the people, businesses and societies to cooperate and connect.” (source: ana-mpa)