
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis doesn't drive a car to work

Some people take the bus. Some people take the train. Many drive their own cars, while some privleged folks are driven. But when Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis — aka the most interesting man in the world — goes to work, he takes his motorcycle. Even as he and Greece's leaders negotiate a deal to unlock bailout funds to prevent their country's banking system from collapsing, Varoufakis prefers his two-wheeled ride.Here's Varoufakis arriving at the Maximos mansion in Athens on Sunday for a governmental council meeting with Prime Minister's Alexis Tsipras. Some say he's reckless. But at least he wears a helmut. Varoufakis doesn't carry a briefcase. He's got a backpack. Wasting no time, Varoufakis has his backpack in hand before he even enters the building. See the rest of the story at Business Insider