
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Greek Exit From The Euro Would Be 'Traumatic,' Warns George Osborne

Source: - Monday, June 29, 2015George Osborne has warned that Greek exit from the euro would be "traumatic", as he moved to try and reassure British citizens in Greece about the security of their savings. Athens is teetering on the brink of defaulting on its the current debt and exit from the euro. It is required to pay back €1.6bn to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the end of Tuesday. However prime minister Alexis Tsipras has said the terms of a bailout offered by the IMF, European Union and the European Central Bank are unacceptable. The deal on the table would require Athens to slash public spending further in exchange for the money. The Greek government surprised the EU by calling a referendum on July 5 in which the public will be asked whether to approve or reject the bailout offer. Tsipras is urging Greeks to reject the deal. But European leaders made clear today they saw the referendum as one of whether Greece would remain in the euro - rather than whether or not it would accept the bailout. Greek banks and the Athens stock market were ordered to remain closed, while holiday-makers and savers found cashpoint machines empty as they flocked to withdraw money. Osborne told the Commons today there is "considerable uncertainty about what happens next" in the eurozone. "We hope for the best but we prepare for the worst," he said. "An exit will be traumatic." The chancellor said the British government was working on the assumption that the referendum All Related