German chancellor says Athens has dragged its heels on necessary structural reforms, ahead of a crunch meeting of eurozone finance ministers this afternoonAngela Merkel: Deal possible, if Greece implements reforms Greek negotiator: Grexit could plunge Europe back to the 30sChancellor also wants UK to remain ‘active, strong’ EU member Introduction: Eurogroup meeting todayFrench finance chief: Grexit would be catastrophe 9.52am BST Greece’s stock market has fallen almost 2% in early trading, hitting a new three-year low.#Greece's Athex share index hits fresh 3yr low below 670. 9.40am BST Euclid Tsakalotos has also told France’s Libération that Greece’s people could be asked to vote on its future, echoing his comments on the Today Programme.Tsakalotos to @libe: If the choice is btw austerity inside the euro or leave the euro, it will be up to Greek people to say its opinion. Continue reading...