
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Greece’s Last Attempt to Reach Agreement with Creditors

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ personal envoys arrived in Brussels on Saturday morning in order to attempt to bridge the difference between Greece and its creditors. Greek Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasakis, State Minister Nikos Pappas and Deputy Minister of International Economic Relations Euclid Tsakalotos, are starting a round of meeting with the institutions representatives in order to present the new Greek proposals. The Greek proposals were the result of a long meeting that took place on Friday, as well as continued meetings led by the Greek Prime Minister at Maximos Mansion. The meeting mainly focused on how the government will handle the institutions’ ultimatum in such a short period of time. The Greek Prime Minister told his colleagues to rule out early elections or a referendum. “The government has a recent popular mandate, the support of the vast majority of Greeks and a comfortable majority within the Parliament,” he said. Furthermore, he also added that Greek people trust the current government to take important decisions and manage difficult situations. “Nobody believed it would be an easy task. We are responsible for our decisions and their management, no matter how difficult they are.” It was reported that the Euro working group stressed to the Greek delegation that they have to reach an agreement, which must be voted by the Greek Parliament before the Eurogroup scheduled to take place on June 18. IMF Chief Christine Lagarde sent Poul Thomsen to Brussels, the Greek bailout program architect, who will represent the organization for the last and most crucial round of negotiations with Athens. Thomsen will lead the IMF delegation, accompanied by the head of the Greek bailout program, Rishi Goyal. The two officials are expected to arrive in Brussels on Sunday, June 14. The most likely agreement will be based on the institutions’ proposal, a document that was handed to the Greek Prime Minister by European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker.