
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Greece faces banking crisis after eurozone meeting breaks down

Emergency summit of leaders called for Monday as fears rise for Greek financial system if a deal cannot be reachedGreece is facing a full-blown banking crisis after a meeting of eurozone leaders broke down in acrimony and recrimination on Thursday evening, bringing the prospect of Greek exit from the eurozone a step nearer.Some €2bn of deposits have been withdrawn from Greek banks so far this week – including a record €1bn yesterday – triggering fears that a breakdown in talks would spark a further flight of funds. The German leader Angela Merkel, French president François Hollande and Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras agreed to stage an emergency EU summit on Monday as a last critical attempt to prevent Greece going bankrupt. A representative of the European Central Bank told the meeting it was unsure whether Greek banks would have the funds to be able to open on Monday. Related: Eurozone talks end without deal as Greek proposals rejected Continue reading...