
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Greece blames everybody but itself for its economic woes

Austerity has provided a useful scapegoat for the many populists and nationalists who can’t admit that Greece’s problems were largely home-grownAt the start of a make-or-break week for Alexis Tsipras’s government, it is a fact that Greece is now seen in many European capitals as a state that refuses to modernise and must therefore depart the eurozone, if not the EU altogether.This view might be understandable, but it is wrong. Understandable due to the antics of a Greek government that has refused to engage in a constructive and competent manner with its creditors. Wrong because it is based on false assumptions about what has been accomplished in Greece over the past five years, about what a consistent majority of the Greek population wants, and about what the consequences would be for Europe. Related: Greek crisis: Draghi calls for deal 'very soon' as markets slide - live Successive Greek governments have only fitfully understood of the country's economic problems Related: Europe must save Greece to save itself | Timothy Garton Ash Continue reading...