
Monday, June 8, 2015

Golden Dawn Trial Suspended Once Again for June 22

The Golden Dawn trial was adjourned yet again and is set to resume on Monday, June 22, at a specially designed courtroom at Attica’s high-security Korydallos Prison due to defendants’ objections. The presiding judge accepted the objections of the defense lawyers who called for the elimination of political action regarding the accusation of the neofascist party as being a criminal organization. Pavlos Fyssas’ family members may attend the trial against Giorgos Roupakias and other people accused of their attribution as simple accomplices but not against Nikos Michaloliakos or current and former MPs of Greece’s far-right party who are accused of directing a criminal organization. This is because, as the judge noted, only the direct victims of a criminal organization have the legal right to complain about moral damage and mental anguish. This means that only the Greek public can declare offenses because Golden Dawn’s actions are against society and civil claimants.