
Sunday, June 28, 2015

German Foreign Office: Tourists to Take Plenty of Cash to Greece

In view of the current financial crisis, the German government has issued an unusual advisory regarding Greece. A statement posted on the website of the German Foreign Office on Sunday instructed German citizens planning to travel to Greece on vacation this summer to “take sufficient amounts of cash” with them. It warned that people seeking to withdraw cash from ATMs in Greece should be prepared to for long waits in line. It also cautioned that Greek banks may have difficulty in keeping the cash-dispensing machines filled with euros. It also advised travelers to Greece to follow the media and keep apprised of developments as they evolve during their stay, and to return to the Foreign Office’s website for further updates. The statement came a day after the latest bailout negotiations between the Greek finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, and the country’s creditors in Brussels broke down without an agreement and moved Athens a step closer to going bankrupt. Germany wasn’t the only European country to warn its citizens to take plenty of cash with them if they choose to visit Greece. The foreign offices of Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are among those that have issued similar advisories. (Source: DW)