
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

German Chancellor Merkel: ‘No News On Greek Debt Negotiations’

“Unfortunately, there is nothing new to report on the Greek debt talks,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters at a news conference after meeting with Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. Merkel also expressed her will to do all she can in order to keep Greece in the Eurozone, putting though the onus to Athens and its international creditors to break the deadlock and reach an agreement. “I am concentrating all my energy on helping the three institutions and Greece find a solution,” she said. During the news conference, the German Chancellor revealed that the meeting of European Finance Ministers on Thursday evening is crucial. “Something can only be decided if there is a joint proposal that fulfills the conditions,” she stated, adding that “I have always said I want to do everything possible to keep Greece in the Eurozone. I remain dedicated to that.”