
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

FinMin Varoufakis: Greece Wants a Deal-Solution

“The Greek government wants a deal-solution. It wants this one to be the final negotiation,” Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said in an interview with ANA-MPA and expressed the view that European leaders can reach a deal in a few hours provided they have the political will to do so. He also spoke of a “historic responsibility” towards the European people. “The deal presented to us is a deal that is not viable,” Varoufakis said. “I told Mr. Schaeuble our view, that the deal offered is a non-viable deal. I have to say that Dr. Schaeuble did not disagree, he just considered there is no alternative,” he added. “The Greek position is that if we agree on what they are asking for, in six or twelve months, we will be once again in Berlin, Brussels discussing the Greek crisis,” the Greek Finance Minister noted. Asked if he is optimistic over the successful outcome of the negotiations, Varoufakis said “sometimes more than others.” He added: “What matters is that Europe’s politicians assume their responsibilities towards their historic role.” The Finance Minister expressed his content over Monday’s contacts in Berlin with representatives of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Left (Die Linke) and the Greens, but also the discussion that followed his speech in the Hans Boeckler Foundation. (source: ana-mpa)