
Friday, June 26, 2015

Eurostat: Greek Pensions Average €882

Pensioners in Greece receive an average 882 euros per month, 713 euros from basic pension and 169 euros from supplementary pensions, while 12.4 percent live below poverty level, according to Eurostat figures. Average pension in Europe ranges from 250 to 1,500 euros per month, while 12.6 percent of pensioners below poverty level in 2013. Greece has 2.6 million pensioners receiving an average 882 euros per month. Portugal is close with 2.5 million pensioners who get 833 euros per month. In Spain, the average pension is 1,021, granted to 5.6 million pensioners. Pensions are significantly lower in eastern European countries. In Lithuania it is 242 euros per month, in Slovakia 408 euros and in Poland 504 euros. In France, the average pension was 1,032 euros last year for the 13.7 million pensioners of the private sector. There is also a 25 percent supplementary pension and over 50 percent in supplementary pension for high executives. In Germany, the average pension in 2013 was 760.43 euro, with supplementary pensions provided by employers. In 2011 — since there are no recent figures — the average combined pension was 1,576 euros for men and 1,302 for women in the western part of Germany, while in the eastern part the average pension was 1,303 euros and 1,219 euros respectively. The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia have 5-6 percent of their pensioners living below poverty level. In France it is about 8 percent, 10-11 percent in Ireland, Spain, Poland and Italy, while in Greece 12.4 of pensioners live below poverty level. Germany has 15 percent of its pensioners living below poverty level, Belgium and Finland 17 percent, Sweden 17.6 percent, Bulgaria 25.9 percent and Estonia 27.1 percent, according to Eurostat. In Eurozone countries, a pensioner receives 56 percent of his wages when he was working, according to 2013 figures. This percentage has increased in some countries due to salary cuts. In Greece it went up to 41 percent in 2008 and 60 percent in 2013.