
Monday, June 15, 2015

European Commission Considers Emergency Plan For Greece

On his way into a Christian Democratic Union (CDU) executive meeting in Berlin, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Guenther Oettinger told reporters on Monday that it is essential for Greece to settle for pension reforms and general budget consolidation in order to give an end to the current negotiation deadlock with creditors. Taking into account that Athens is facing the threat of a potential bankruptcy that could lead the country out of the Eurozone after its persistence to demand less harsh terms in order to reach a deal, Oettinger suggested that the European Commission should start considering a “state of emergency” plan on Greece from July 1. “I think that the Commission needs to work out a plan that could avert a worsening of the situation in the event that Greece leaves the Eurozone, in the event of a bankruptcy,” he said and added that there is great need to ensure “energy supplies, pay for police officials, medical supplies and pharmaceutical products.”