
Friday, June 12, 2015

Eurogroup Chief: Greece Must Make Tough Decisions, But Deal Is Possible

Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said that “Greece must make difficult decisions to avoid a default,” but a deal is still possible before June 30. The Eurogroup chief argued that an agreement with creditors by the end of June is still possible, provided that Athens fulfills all requirements to unlock aid funds. Greece’s bailout extension expires on June 30, while on the same date Greece has an installment due to the International Monetary Fund amounting to 1.6 billion euros. Dijsselbloem spoke to Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat saying that the Greek government will have to accept that there is no easy solution to the debt problem and that difficult decisions have to be made, otherwise it risks further isolation in Europe. However, the Dutch finance minister estimated that an agreement was possible so that funds could be unlocked by the end of the month, adding that the creditors are still open to counter-proposals, provided they are financially viable. If Greece presents a proposal that is both reliable and secures the country’s financial independence, then the political decision regarding the agreement with Greece can be taken tomorrow, Dijsselbloem said.