
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Endgame looms for Greek crisis as both sides take debt negotiations to the brink

Premier Alexis Tsipras will come to a fork in the road on Thursday, but whether or not a deal is made, the future for his country is bleakEleventh-hour talks to avoid Greece defaulting on its debt and plunging the eurozone into crisis intensified at the weekend with Greek officials flying to Brussels only days before a meeting of Europe’s finance ministers that many regard as a final deadline.Almost five months after he assumed power, the Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has come to a fork in the road: either he accepts the painful terms of a cash-for-reform deal that ensures Greece’s place in the single currency or he decides to go it alone, faithful to the vision of his anti-austerity Syriza party. Either way, the endgame is upon him. Continue reading...