
Friday, June 26, 2015

Christine Lagarde, IMF chief with a key role in the Greek debt talks

Short-term future of Greece and the integrity of the eurozone – may depend on how far the tough-talking IMF chief manages to bridge dividesThe former US treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, says she has a “lightning-quick wit, a genuine warmth, and an ability to bridge divides”. Alastair Darling, the former British chancellor, also something of a fan, describes her as a “formidable operator” with an “unorthodox approach” who can “cajole people into agreement” and exercises “immense influence”.She will need all of that. Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund and – says Forbes magazine – the world’s sixth most powerful woman, is in a delicate position as Greece’s latest repayment deadline looms and the debt-laden country seeks a last-ditch deal with its creditors to stave off bankruptcy and an exit from the eurozone. Continue reading...