
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Bill Gross thinks there is less than a 50% chance we get a deal in Greece (JNS, GREK)

Bill Gross thinks the chances there is a deal in Greece are less than 50/50. Gross sent a tweet on Thursday from the Janus Capital account — where he manages the Unconstrained Bond Fund — that said he saw the chances at 40% for and 60% against Greece reaching a deal with its creditors. Gross: Reparations or Austerity for Greece? Both sides have a different point of view. 40/60 odds of a deal now. — Janus Capital (@JanusCapital) June 25, 2015 The Greece news flow over the past few days has been fast and furious, but the short of it is that right now, there is no deal in place for Greece to repay its creditors next Tuesday. This could lead Greece to default on its payment due to the International Monetary Fund, but because Greece owes money to the IMF — which is not quite the same as a company owing money to a bank — it would at least initially be considered in arrears rather than in default.SEE ALSO: The poster child for what was once a 'can't miss' investment is filing for bankruptcy Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: 12 awesome facts about WWE superstar Brock Lesnar