
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Woody Allen: It’s a Pity we Read About Greek Crisis and not Plato or Socrates

“Instead of Plato and Socrates, we read about Greece’s economic disaster,” said top American director Woody Allen while in Cannes to promote his new film “Irrational Man.” “It is horrible. Every day I open the paper and read about Greece’s disaster. In the birthplace of tragedy, philosophy, sciences and democracy. We read that it will soon leave Europe and the euro. That unemployment has reached nightmarish levels and that the end is coming soon. It’s a pity. Instead of Plato and Socrates, all of us who have no idea about economy, read these creepy things. It’s a pity,” Allen said. When asked if he wishes to make a film in Athens, the director replied: “Of course I would like to make a movie in Athens. Provided that the [Greek] authorities will contribute to financing production. As has happened with all the films I shot in London, Paris, Madrid and Rome. Besides, I have visited Athens in the past.” A reporter mentioned to Allen he had made a movie in the past that was referring to ancient Greek tragedy. “But philosophy is one of the ‘tools’ of my brain,” Allen replied.