
Friday, May 1, 2015

UNESCO’s International Symposium in Santorini

UNESCO’s international scientific symposium, hosted in Santorini, will focus on the heritage and development of wine regions and their role in tourism. The symposium has been scheduled to take place from November 5 to 7, 2015. The University of Burgundy which specializes in the culture and traditions of wine organizes a yearly scientific symposium, which will be held on the Greek island of Santorini this year, with the help of Thira Municipality, the Agricultural University of Athens, the National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine, the Greek Wine Federation and the Central Union of Vine and Wine Producing Cooperative Organizations of Greece. The topics that will be discussed include the ways of profiting from the heritage of wine regions, the structure of the organizations involved and their governing regulations, the regions’ tourist development and the promotion of wine-growing traditions, the relation between tourism and wine tourism and the progress in the scientific and technical sector for the utilization of wine regions. Based on numerous examples, the parties involved will make great efforts to promote ancient vineyards as cultural heritage locations. More information is available by the organizing bodies: Chaire UNESCO “Cultures et traditions du vin” de l’Universite de Bourgogne, the Agricultural University of Athens, Thira Municipality and the National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine.