
Saturday, May 23, 2015

The weekend cook: Thomasina Miers makes the most of early summer veg

From rocket pesto with young broad beans to a lemony, eggy classic Greek stew, there’s so much you can do with early summer vegWhat a great time of year for vegetables – I could happily munch my body weight in asparagus, beans and peas every day, especially if I had a wedge of pecorino or parmesan, some good olive oil and lots of lemon. They are so versatile and, being bang in season, relatively cheap, it’s well worth buying heaps and experimenting. Chillies make great bedfellows for broad beans and peas: at Wahaca, we’re currently serving summer pea empanadas with a fruity habanero salsa, and I adore broad bean puree flecked with fresh red chilli. Just make sure you buy your beans small, tender and sweet; they go tough and bitter with age. Continue reading...