
Thursday, May 21, 2015

‘The Days of Yanis Varoufakis are Numbered’

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has received yet another attack from the European press, this time from German financial newspaper Handelsblatt that talks about a “Varoufexit.” The German newspaper based its criticism on Varoufakis’ admission that he had secretly recorded the conversations of Eurozone Finance Ministers at the Riga Eurogroup. The Greek Finance Minister told the New York Times about wiretapping the meeting. Using the term “Riga Gate,” the Handelsblatt report said that if indeed he secretly recorded the meeting, it is very unlikely that he will maintain his post as Greece’s Finance Minister. The writer of the report argued that the relations between Varoufakis and his European Union colleagues are already at their worst state, and after his admission of the wire-tapping will become even worse. He also wondered if the Greek Finance Minister has secretly taped other Eurogroup meetings, while stressing that from now on it is very likely that European officials will be very cautious when speaking in front of Greeks. On Thursday morning, Varoufakis denied that he secretly recorded the Finance Ministers meeting. While entering the Greek Finance Ministry, reporters asked him if his statement to the New York Times was true. To that, the Varoufakis replied, “Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales.”