
Friday, May 29, 2015

SYRIZA MP: Greece Is Prepared for All Possible Scenarios

SYRIZA Parliamentary Spokesperson Nikos Filis said that Greece is seeking a deal with lenders but is also prepared for all possible outcomes in negotiations. Filis spoke to Mega television on Friday saying that the government is taking all precautions to deal with every possible outcome in negotiations with the troika of creditors. “A state must be ready for every eventuality. A Greek default is a concern of the whole of Europe. There is a systemic risk there. The chosen strategy is to negotiate an agreement but we are ready for every possible outcome. It is not only a matter of Greece and lenders, the Greek issue will be discussed at the G7 summit,” Filis said. Regarding the 300-million-euro installment payment due to the International Monetary Fund on June 5, Filis reiterated the Greek position that the payment will be made if there are funds available in the state coffers. Left platform calls on the government to say no to “creditors’ blackmail” Meanwhile, SYRIZA’s Left Platform calls on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to say no to the lenders’ extortion methods  and ultimatums. After Thursday’s Euroworking Group announced that Greece needs to complete the fifth review within a week in order for aid funds to be disbursed in June, the platform, led by Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis posted its positions on their website. The text says that the lending institutions want to bring Greece to submission by using blackmailing techniques and undermine the radical leftist government. The platform calls on “the government to be prepared and prepare the Greek people to boost their fighting spirit in the event that the deal that will be proposed within the next days is not compatible with the government’s pledges and its leftist values. The government is called to examine, elaborate on and be prepared to resort to every alternative possible in order to effectively ward off the creditors’ blackmail.”