
Thursday, May 7, 2015

SYRIZA Hard Leftists Disagree With Concessions in Negotiations

The SYRIZA “leftist platform” didn’t take the sudden positive developments in negotiations very well after Wednesday’s joint statement of lenders that they will help Greece achieve financial stability and growth. The party’s hard leftists, led by Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis, believe that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has crossed the “red lines” set by the government by putting labor market reforms and pension laws on the negotiating table. The platform’s line is to default and come to a rift with creditors, leave the euro zone and return to the drachma. On Wednesday, the platform’s website published the results of a survey showing that 35 percent of Greeks and 58 percent of SYRIZA voters prefer a Grexit to a compromised agreement with lenders. Lafazanis has used the poll results as proof that a substantial number of Greek citizens do not want another memorandum of understanding with creditors accompanied by austerity measures. The site often propagandizes default and the exit from the EU and even NATO, and urges the Prime Minister to seek alliances elsewhere. The platform is often critical of Tsipras and the handling of negotiations with lenders.