
Friday, May 1, 2015

Savvas Xeros Refuses to Wear Electronic Bracelet

Jailed terrorist Savvas Xeros — brother of terrorist Christodoulos Xeros — who was convicted to life in prison for his involvement in the Greek terrorist organization November 17, has dismissed the prospect of leaving the prison while wearing an electronic bracelet. “I am not willing to accept, without meaning to express an opinion on the new law. The new law was passed with great difficulty and it appears that the government showed determination and endurance. I do not intend to accept the use of electronic surveillance,” said Savvas Xeros, in an interview with Greek media. Xeros’ potential release from prison has caused a strong reaction from the United States and a violent confrontation between the government and the opposition parties. Savvas Xeros is currently being hospitalized in the Korydallos prison medical wing, and he stated that he does not wish to be treated as a “guinea pig.” “The first and main reason why I do not want the electronic bracelet are my religious beliefs. The same thing was described in Revelation as a tool without which one cannot participate in social life and tends to impose on more and more social groups,” he added during his statements. Spyros Fytrakis, Xeros’ advocate, spoke to Greek TV channel, Mega, arguing that his client’s decisions should be respected and he noted that in his case the electronic bracelet may have negative effects on his health.