
Sunday, May 10, 2015

ND Samaras: There Has to Be a Deal With Greece’s Lenders

There has to be an agreement in the ongoing negotiations between Greece and its lenders because the situation cannot continue like this, main opposition leader Antonis Samaras said, speaking to a private radio station in Thessaloniki, Greece. “I was the one who, throughout this period, insisted intensely that there should be a solution. There should be a deal because it cannot continue this way,” New Democracy leader told Focus FM, adding he’s worried the government will launch a tax raid because SYRIZA was unprepared to govern. “The economy has really reached the limits. Nothing works. Right now there’s a complete economic immobility, which is also powered by a very negative psychology. This combination is destructive for the Greek economy,” Samaras was quoted as saying. “On the other hand, I have to say I’m afraid that because they have said to themselves that they had no plan B and we are not prepared, there will be a massive tax raid,” he added. (source: ana-mpa)