
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Merkel Would Support Financial Aid to Greece if Deal Succeeded

German Chancellor Angela Merkel plans to deliver a keynote address concerning Greece’s 240-billion-euro financial program despite the anticipated negative reaction of some lawmakers from her Christian Democrat-led bloc. German government officials told Bloomberg that Merkel has decided to speak in front of the German parliament after a deal between Greece and its international creditors is reached. This initiative may carry heavy political risk for the German Chancellor, taking into consideration the German public outrage caused by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tripras‘ brinkmanship negotiation tactics during the last four months. While some policy makers in Germany insist on being contrary to a new financial support to Greece, there are others more positive in order to avert a future financial collapse. German Deputy Finance Minister Thomas Steffen said during an interview: “Should we seriously go and prescribe in detail what the Greeks are allowed to spend and what revenue they can have? I say no. It’s the rough framework that has to be clear.” According to unnamed sources, Merkel has already been inviting some of the dissenters to the chancellery to discuss the approval of further financial aid to Greece in an effort to prevent a potential future default, even if Greece refuses to implement the reforms demanded by its European creditors.