
Friday, May 8, 2015

Kouroublis Announces Financial And Managerial Inspection Of Health Care System

The financial and managerial inspection of all hospitals, regulated entities and individuals who undertook major projects on behalf of the Greek Ministry of Health during the last decade is the next major step of the current government, according to the Greek Health Minister Mr. Panagiotis Kouroublis. Specifically, the Sismanoglio-Amalia Fleming General Hospital, the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (HPI) and Greece’s National Organization for Medicines (EOF), will be among the first organizations to be checked. Moreover, the audit of two specific projects that have been undertaken by the National School of Public Health on behalf of the Health Ministry, as well as the projects for Mental Health, which were under the supervision of the Ministry of Health from 2005 until today, has been decided. The Hellenic Transplant Organization (EOM), the Hellenic Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (KEELPNO), the Organization Against Drugs (O.Ka.Na), the National Health Operations Centre (EKEPY), the Health Procurement Committee (EPY), and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Technology (I.F.E.T.) are already taking part in the process of Health Care System consolidation.