
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Jailed Terrorist Maziotis Sends Attack Threats from Behind Bars

Imprisoned terrorist Nikos Maziotis threatened that there will be new terrorist attacks through a text posted on an anarchist website. Through the text, Maziotis calls Greeks to revolt by creating a revolutionary platform. He explains that revolution means that a big part of society overtakes power with guns and violence. The text concludes with the phrases: “Armed assault to occupy all forts of power, the Parliament, ministries, banks and the Bank of Greece. We will disarm the Police and Army. Social revolution is the only solution.” Maziotis is currently in Korydallos prison in the same wing as the imprisoned members of the anarchist group Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire. He is currently on trial in the Court of Appeals for the case of his own anarchist group, Revolutionary Struggle.