
Monday, May 18, 2015

International Museum Day: Free Admission to Greek Museums and Archaeological Sites

International Museum Day represents a unique moment for the international museum community, aiming to highlight the importance of museums as a means of cultural exchange, enrichment of cultures and development of mutual understanding, cooperation and peace among peoples. The International Council of Museums (ICOM) established that May 18 would be celebrated worldwide as the International Museum Day since 1977. On this day, participating museums plan creative events and activities related to the International Museum Day theme, engage with their public and highlight the importance of the museums’ role as institutions that serve society and its development. Furthermore, admission is free in all participating museums. Each year, International Museum Day is dedicated to a specific issue relating to museums and heritage protection. In 2015, ICOM has chosen the theme “Museums for a sustainable society.” One of the most important contemporary challenges shared by people across the globe is to adapt new ways of living and developing within the limits of nature, noted ICOM. The theme recognizes the role of museums in raising public awareness about the need for a society that is less wasteful, more cooperative and uses resources in a way that respects living systems. This year, the ICOM Greek branch will honor the Industrial Gasworks Museum at Technopolis Athens, where events has been organized for a whole week from May 15 to 24. The main events will take place on Monday, May 18 at 7 pm.