
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Holy Relics Cannot Help a Government in Confusion

The forthcoming transfer of the holy relics of Saint Barbara to the Saint Savvas Oncology Hospital and the reception of the reliquary with the ceremonial honors reserved for heads of state has created a new controversy within the leftist ruling party in Greece. At the same time it gave the opposition a splendid choice to deliver more jabs to the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition that it is fighting to gain approval from the populace and within itself. Parliamentary representative Nikos Filis sarcastically complained that during the SYRIZA administration two heads of state visited Athens and those were the Holy Light from Jerusalem and the relics of Saint Barbara. But Filis was more angered because the reliquary will be transferred to the hospital and Health Minister Panagiotis Kouroublis will be there in the welcoming ceremony. The SYRIZA MP said that this act sends the wrong message that faith can replace medicine and gives false hope to cancer patients. This is indeed the first time the transfer and reception of a holy relic is taking place in the presence of a Minister, who will stand next to the reliquary in institutional capacity. But Mr. Kouroublis has every right to worship the relic himself as a Christian. On the other hand, isn’t it ironic that the first time it happened is during the first leftist administration in Greek history? Then Filis accused junior coalition ANEL leader Panos Kammenos for giving the reliquary the honors of head of state, thereby returning to policies of previous governments. He also attacked him for refusing to vote in favor of the construction of a mosque in Athens and accused him of being against religious freedom. Kammenos replied through Twitter: “Better worship the relics of Saint Barbara, Mr. Filis, than the relics of the NH90,” he wrote, referring to the helicopters purchased in the past that are investigated for kickbacks. Filis received fire from his party as well, as MP Yiannis Michelogiannakis, who is also a doctor, said on television that worshipping holy relics has had therapeutic results in patients. He called the Filis statement an impropriety. Meanwhile, thousands of Greeks of all ages rushed to worship the holy relics of Saint Barbara that are now on display inside the church of the Athens neighborhood bearing the same name. Many youngsters were amongst them, praying for a better future, others were asking for strength to endure recession, while others were praying for their health. The relics are kept in Burano, Italy, for 1,000 years and it is the first time they are taken to a Greek Orthodox country. The Saint’s relics were given to Venice by the Byzantine Empire in the 11th century and they are of great importance to the Christian faithful. Several people have described the arrival of the reliquary in Athens as a historical event. What Mr. Filis did was a political faux pas. Loyal to the “more leftist than thou” dogma that many SYRIZA members espouse, he chose to downplay and ridicule the religious sentiment of most Greeks. It is typical of several SYRIZA Ministers and MPs to continue their brave declarations of leftism in situations where the only thing needed is good judgement. Filis’ attack is also hypocritical because on one hand he talks about the religious freedom of Muslims, regarding the building of the mosque, and on the other he indirectly scoffs his fellow partisan Kouroublis for receiving the holy relics at the oncology hospital. At the same time, he shows great disrespect to patients and relatives who expect to venerate the relic, find hope and relief in its presence, ask for strength in their suffering, as their faith dictates. The stance of the SYRIZA parliamentary representative is indicative of a government that is more concerned for its leftist agenda and ideology than for the people. Unless of course the thousands who stood in line for hours to worship the relic are not people but something else. It is also indicative of a government that is confused over who to please: The minority of dogmatic leftist voters or the majority of Greeks who are suffering after five years of recession. May the holy relics of Saint Barbara enlighten them.