
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Group Calls Greeks to Fly EU Flags In Support of Greece’s European Future

A group of Greek citizens who believe that Greece belongs in Europe have started an initiative in response to “the continuous propaganda against European partners” and the undermining of the friendship bonds Greece has with Europe. They emphatically state in their site: “This is also my flag,” on a background that shows the Greek and European flag flying together. “We are a group of concerned citizens who decided to act after the continuous attempts of our government and others to poison the relationship our country has with its partners. We refuse to remain dormant while they indulge in propaganda, lies and slander towards our hard-earned affiliation and bond with the European Union.” the mission statement of the Fly The Flag group says. The initiative comes at a crucial negotiation period between Greece and its lenders, that can affect the European future of the country and the euro currency. The Fly The Flag group members say they are not a political party or movement, but a group of citizens who try to create an organized reaction to the forces that want Greece to cut ties with Europe. “Greece must remain in the European Union and it must retain the euro as a currency, our children must grow up in a peaceful region,” they say on their site. “We welcome anyone who feels mocked, threatened and undermined by the continuous hostile statements by those wishing to undermine our relationship with our European partners.” Fly The Flag members believe that the majority of Greeks are in favor of the European partnership and the common currency. A recent poll showed that 66.5 percent of Greeks want to be in the euro zone, while 53.5 percent believe that Greece must stay in the common currency at any cost. The group invites those who are pro-Europe to “join us, mobilize and take action. There has been enough ridicule. We urge them to strive for the prosperity of Greece within Europe. We voted for Europe, we want Greece within Europe – the future of Greece is in Europe.” On Saturday, May 9, which is Europe Day, the group urges everyone who believes in the cause to raise the European Union flag in their homes, “in a show of support for our European destiny.” Fly The Flag can be reached at: