
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Greek Student Election: New Democracy Youth’s Percentages Rising

The student election that took place in all public universities and technical institutions across Greece came to an end with New Democracy’s youth (DAP-NDFK) gathering 44,5%, showing an increase compared to last year. Meanwhile, the overall percentage of PASP -PASOK’s youth- fell dramatically, and AR.EN (SYRIZA) showed a slight increase of approximately 1%. However, the electoral process was not as peaceful as the parties involved wished. DAP-NDFK members reported violent episodes in 11 cities across Greece. Students ended up in the hospital, ballots were burned, all due to the constant rivalry between student parties and the fact that they never agree on the results. People wearing hoods entered the Athens University of Economics, for the second year in a row, and burned three out of a total of twelve ballot boxes in the courtyard while students watched. According to witnesses, no one attempted to help the university secretary who attempted to extinguish the fire. Furthermore, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in northern Greece, a group of people wearing hoods damaged school property and hit several students, two of whom had to be transferred to AHEPA hospital with mild head injuries. Violent episodes also occurred at the Department of Chemistry in Athens where people wearing hoods tried to break the building doors, while the students were voting inside. Most doors at the Law School of Athens remained closed in order to avoid such incidents. Finally, people wearing hoods walked into the courtyard of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and terrorized voting students, after verbally attacking the building’s security guard. Nevertheless, 100,000 students attended this year’s nationwide student election, approximately the same amount as last year.