
Monday, May 4, 2015

Greek Police: Missing Four-Year-Old Girl Murdered by Father

Greek police revealed the tragic end to the case of the 4-year-old girl from Bulgaria who was declared missing by her mother. Young Ani Borisova’s disappearance caused concern to the authorities who were struggling to find out what exactly happened. According to the mother’s first report she had left her child with a friend for a few days in order to travel to Bulgaria. Upon her return she was informed that her friend had taken the child out for a walk and lost her. However, after further investigation Greek police found the father and cross-examined the evidence to find that both parents had given false statements. Further investigation revealed that the young girl’s mother had traveled to Germany and upon her arrival the child’s father told her that he had lost their daughters. The parents panicked and instead of reporting the disappearance they fled to Bulgaria where they stayed with a family friend, whose statements helped police solve the case. “When I asked about the child, they told me that she was probably dead,” he said. Their friend’s statement, along with the traces of blood found in the father’s apartment helped police solve the case. The 27-year-old man who murdered his daughter was arrested on Monday afternoon, May 4, on the charges of manslaughter. Stavros Georgiou, the parents’ lawyer was at a loss for words. “I’m going to talk to the mother to find out exactly what happened,” he said.