
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Greek leader faces revolt by party hardliners as debt showdown looms

Alexis Tsipras’s bid to delay a €750m loan repayment may fail, prompting a struggle with those who voted for himThe epic struggle to keep Greece solvent and in the eurozone intensified on Saturday night amid signs of a looming crisis within the anti-austerity government that took Europe ablaze barely three months ago.As prime minister Alexis Tsipras scrambles to secure a financial lifeline to keep the debt-stricken country afloat, hardliners in his radical left Syriza party have also ratcheted up the pressure. In a make-or-break week of debt repayments, the politician once seen as the harbinger of Europe’s anti-establishment movement has found himself where no other leader would want to be: caught between exasperated creditors abroad and enraged diehards at home. Continue reading...