
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Greek Government Spokesman: ‘The Red Lines Will Not Be Surpassed’

“We are well aware of the society’s red lines, we are aware of the limits and everyone should be assured that the red lines will not be surpassed,” Greek government spokesman Gavriil Sakellaridis on Thursday said in a press briefing. Regarding the debt issue, he stressed that it is an issue that needs to be addressed. Sakellaridis stated that the institutions should not expect that Greece must retreat in all issues so that an agreement is reached. There is no such mandate and this is not a message of rupture, he noted. “We have proved since February 20 that we are willing to find a mutually beneficial solution,” the government spokesman said. “Although we know that the debt is not sustainable, we do not raise the issue at this point of the negotiation,” he added. The best for the country is a decision to be reached at Monday’s Eurogroup or at the joint statement of Finance ministers within the framework of the government’s plans. In reply to another question, he said that the willingness of the Greek government is reflected to its stance and the fulfillment of its obligations. The funding issue will be discussed by the Greek government in the coming period and will not be a new memorandum and new austerity measures, the government spokesman noted. Negotiations in Brussels will continue until late on Thursday and will even continue on Friday if need be, according to Sakellaridis. The Greek government has set red lines and is seeking to reach an agreement with the partners within that framework; the red lines are confirmed at the joint statement of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker, Sakellaridis said and added: “in the joint statement, we see the need to establish collective bargaining at the highest European level. Signing the joint statement, Juncker defended the European acquis, which is the collective bargaining.” He clarified that “by no means are we talking about reducing pensions” and noted that “the Greek government’s position is that this agreement should be reached as soon as possible.” (Source: ANA-MPA)