
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Greek Defense Minister’s Comment on NATO Airbase in Karpathos Causes SYRIZA Reactions

Defense Minister Panos Kammenos caused his deputy minister to react on Monday after admitting that he proposed to the United States the establishment of a NATO airbase on Karpathos island. Kammenos — chief of junior coalition partner ANEL — said that during his visit to Washington last week he proposed to the U.S. the formation of a NATO airbase on the island of the southeastern Aegean Sea. However, Deputy Defense Minister Costas Isichos — who belongs to SYRIZA — said in a newspaper interview that this is not a decision of the Greek government. “Everyone has the right to express their opinion, often putting their own touch, but as SYRIZA’s representative in the ministry I want to be very clear that this is not a decision or a position of the current government,” Isichos said. Kammenos said that he proposed the establishment of the base in order to facilitate NATO to combat the Islamic State jihadists who pose a threat to the region. Allegedly the defense minister also proposed the location of Kastellorizo, another southeastern Aegean island near the Turkish borders.