
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Greece to Pay EUR 200 M Installment Due to IMF

 Greece will be paying an installment worth EUR 200 M to the International Monetary Fund by the end of the day Wednesday. The statement was made by Greek Deputy Finance Minister Dimitris Madras, as quoted by MIA news agency. The next transfer due to be paid by Greece needs to be submitted on May 12 to the IMF and is in the amount of EUR 750 M. Meanwhile, the negotiations between local government in Athens and the Troik creditors will be continuing in the next days. A number of experts and journalists have expressed doubt as to whether Greece will be able to repay its creditors, having in mind the fact that salaries and pensions are still being repaid. Some news issues even published information testifying to a conversation between Greek PM Tsipras and Head of IMF Christine Lagarde. Despite the fact that the government Press Office stated that the issues discussed in the conversation were connected with the imminent negotiations, some media revealed information that Tsipras has announced that Greece will be unable to repay the installment due to the fund.