
Monday, May 11, 2015

Greece Pays 750-Million-Euro Installment to IMF

The Greek government paid the latest 750-million-euro installment to the International Monetary Fund, according to Reuters. The agency spoke with two Greek Finance Ministry officials who confirmed the news. “The order to pay the IMF has been executed,” a senior Greek finance ministry official said to the agency. Given the economic suffocation that Greece is experiencing at the moment, there were several people who doubted that the country would be able to make the payment in time. “Athens is close to running out of cash and there had been doubt about whether it would pay the IMF or choose to save cash to pay salaries and pensions later this month. Greece’s government in recent days had insisted it would honor its obligations, but officials in the past have warned that the country may not have enough money to make the payment,” noted Reuters. In the end the Greek government chose to pay its installment to the IMF. Meanwhile, the critical Eurogroup meeting is still ongoing in Brussels. The Greek government’s actions are interpreted as a gesture towards the country’s partners, perhaps in an attempt to elicit a positive statement at the end of the critical meeting.