
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Golden Dawn Trial Postponed for May 12

The Golden Dawn trial in Korydallos Prison was postponed again for May 12 with municipal authorities repeating their request for the trial to move elsewhere. Minor clashes between protesters and police took place earlier in the morning in the surrounding area. The key members of Golden Dawn, including leader Nikos Michaloliakos and almost all lawmakers of the  neo-Nazi party were absent again. Only Michalis Arvanitis and Dimitris Koukoutsis were present from Golden Dawn’s parliament team and former MP Stathis Boukouras. The murderer of Pavlos Fyssas Giorgos Roupakias was also present. The prosecutor expressed the unusual proposal to have hearings on Saturday so that the students of surrounding schools are not disturbed during the exam period that starts next week. This follows a request by Korydallos Mayor Giorgos Kasimatis who opposes the trial at Korydallos Prison because, as he said, the area looks like it is “under siege” and 400 students of surrounding schools are forced to take exams in other municipalities. Exams end on June 13. Reporters and journalists also oppose the use of Korydallos Prison as a courtroom because it doesn’t have the appropriate amenities, such as internet connection and a proper sound system, to facilitate press coverage. Minor skirmishes between anti-fascist protesters and police took place in the morning as several groups of anarchists and anti-fascists gathered in the area. Allegedly, Golden Dawn supporters attacked a migrant early in the morning while other allegations speak of a Golden Dawn supporter beaten by anti-fascists. Neither allegation is confirmed by the Greek Police.